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7/12/20 - A Mental Garden

We visited some family friends (the same family who is storing my stuff) in the morning and had a nice conversation with the dad and son. They introduced us to an almond coconut coffee creamer that I will definitely be attached to in the future. Yes.

The mom came back from her beach walk right as we were about to leave and she taught me a lot about plants since I've been trying to hang up a plant in my room for a while. Turns out that you don't need to water them super often and if it's a hanging plant, it should be pretty manageable even if you forget to water it. However, that means that it may get out of control at some points. Just something to keep in mind.

She also taught me a lot about carbon emissions during COVID-19 that I hadn't really thought about before. You would think that carbon emissions from vehicles would have decreased during the pandemic because less people are driving around but it turns out that cars are quite clean. The main cause of carbon in the atmosphere from transport is due to trucks and because a lot of people are ordering items online since they can't go out, carbon emissions have only decreased by 10%. I AM SWEARING OFF OF ONLINE ORDERING FROM NOW ON.

After we saw our friends, I visited my friend from college who I lived in the same dorm with. Her name is Maddie and she is one of the sweetest people I've met at Stanford. I'm not super close with her friend group, but she has always made time for me which I really appreciate. We talked for an hour, then she had to leave and I had to go as well.

Our family stopped at the hotel in San Francisco where we were going to stay for the night because I had a virtual callback that evening for my theater department's annual musical. It was really interesting to do it in the hotel room where mobility is limited and I had to make do with the technology and internet connection that I had.

I ended up getting in, by the way :)

That evening, we went to the Palace of Fine Arts in downtown with our take-out Thai food and had a picnic. It was a really nice way to end the first portion of the trip.

I then called my scene partner for my acting class, rehearsed/chatted for an hour, then crashed for the night.

It was quite eventful for the two days we spent in the Bay Area, but it made me realize how much I miss the Bay Area as my home. Even from the first second when I stepped outside on Golden Gate bridge and breathed in the air, there was this familial rush of homeliness that I couldn't shake off the entire time. I crave to be back there soon, whether the pandemic cools down or not, and maybe even settle down there after college. We'll see.

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